Monday, February 7, 2011

What a day

What a meaningful day, as I shared with students, I heard back from an author who has shaped quite a bit of what I do as a teacher, I saw fantastic work coming from my 7th graders extended essays AND was treated to some fantastic debate over the stability of the Athenian and Spartan states. All in all the streak continues as I continue to have the best and most meaningful days of my career! I cant wait for tomorrow's debates, final revisions of our collapsing government essays in geography and of course for Wednesday (Don't forget) and our 6:40 AM morning meeting to discuss our enrichment journal that Dr. Fleck and Hanssen sent us! Listen folks, I need you to understand how special what you are doing is... you have 3 college professors recognizing your work in class right now, not many 17 year olds put in that kind of work! From here, we need to work harder to solidify our fundamentals and polish up our language while continuing to just have fun with academics...

Side note, I am working on getting patches or wristbands for our movement... FREE YOUR INNER NERD!!!

1 comment:

  1. I actually was in Miss. V's room the other day and i picked up another book for my english assignment. But then i got to thinking, this is an 8th or 9th grade level book. Why don't I just read it and do a blog post for fun? Share the book with my classmates just for the joy of sharing it.
    The next thing I thought of was these bracelets =)
